The J.A.W.S society

JAWS stands for the Journeying and Writing Society. The ruling body of JAWS is a dictatorship, run by the friendly dictator, Jordan Wagner. We value control highly in this society. In the year 2010, we broke away from the United States and journeyed into the Pacific ocean, whereupon we found an island to start anew. Our society breaks away from the hardships of regular technology, including cyber bullying, over-dependence on cell phones and Iphones, and unhealthy lifestyles due to too much time spent inside on game systems. We monitor everyone's lifestyles on the island to make sure they are healthy and happy with their technology uses. Kathryn Palmer, the head of history division, is in charge of watching the history of all activity on our internet servers and making sure there are no mishappenings. Tara Schnepp, our athletic director, sets the regular amount of time for kids and teens to get outside and play every day. Katy Williamson, the head of entertainment, makes sure all videos, games and anything else related to entertainment is clean. There has never been a suicide or murder in the JAWS society.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Letter to a School Friend

A beautiful view of the fields in our society:

In our society, if you play the lottery you automatically win, even this young child:

These are the cigarettes in our society; they contain no tobacco or nicotine but give you the same light-headed feeling. They also attract beautiful women as seen here:
Our society does not waste anything, including our water:
This is the fastest and longest roller coaster in the world, which just so happens to be in our society:
The most popular candy in our society is Snirkles; we bet you can't eat just one!

Dear Sam,

I’m sorry it has been so long since you have heard from me. For the past several years me and a group of friends have been developing a new society known as J.A.W.S. (The Journeying and Writing

Society) that seeks to improve the misfortunes of other current digital societies. It is our wish that this new and improved society will inhabit only the happiest of citizens as a result of more pleasurable living and a more balanced lifestyle.

First and foremost, J.A.W.S.’ main purpose in developing a new society was to create a better digital world for its occupants. We not only encourage but also require that all citizens are digitally literate in every area of technologies, whether it is a computer, a camera, or an automobile. You would surely enjoy this aspect of J.A.W.S., being that you are advanced in every new technology. Having said that, however, over the years we have created a myriad of new devices that you could probably never even imagine! From the newest camera that can take its own pictures to the new telepathic monitors in school busses, we are constantly coming up with the new and exciting inventions to help further develop this digital society.

With all these new technologies and devices, it is absolutely crucial that our society monitors the access of these inventions in order to create and maintain a more balanced lifestyle. Current digital societies have what we like to call the “silent killer of socialization” in their inevitable attachment to technologies. They go about their days subconsciously in an utter daze because they are constantly distracted by digital devices, which ultimately leaves all of them with minimal social skills and an absolutely pitiful attention span. Our society encourages all members to take a step away from technology (regardless of circumstances) after it has been in use for 3 straight hours. The goal is to keep our citizens from depending heavily on their technologies and for them to take a step away for either physical or mental exercise and/or leisure. The results of this restriction have been outstanding- almost every citizen has improved their grades, their physical health, and their overall happiness in life.

Another outstanding characteristic of our society is the citizens’ relationships with one another. Members are able to converse either jokingly or in serious discussions when they are enjoying their “active” time away from technology. The citizens of J.A.W.S. absolutely have the best of both worlds- they are able to use new state-of-the-art, custom-made technologies never even heard of in other societies while still embracing the necessity for an active lifestyle. In a recent study done by Life & Home Magazine, our society was ranked #1 out of every society in the world for best overall physical health and mental stability. I am convinced that this is a result of our 2-hour limit, and I certainly encourage every other society to try the same thing. Outside societies may see it as ironic or almost hypocritical to encourage the use of new technologies while still urging the importance of refraining from technology for a period of time.

I sincerely hope that you take what I have said here to heart. I miss you terribly and would love for you to become a member of J.A.W.S. sometime in the near future. I promise you will not regret joining this lifestyle because it is the ultimate win/win situation.

Love Always,

Tara Schnepp


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I heard that you are writing a persuasive letter to a school friend, trying to convince them to live at J.A.W.S. You emphasized the importance of relationships and physical and mental activity at J.A.W.S.

    I noticed that you even created a strong degree of credibility to your argument, especially when you said the J.A.W.S. had been ranked number one by life and style magazine. That was very smart! I also noticed that you expanded on the positive results of enforced physical exercise and controlled use of technology, especially "the results of this restriction have been outstanding, almost every citizen has improved their grades, their physical health, and their overall happiness in life." You used a lot of specific examples and details, which made J.A.W.S very appealing.

    I wondered if you could have catered more to your specific audience, a school friend, and given clearer examples of why a school friend, specifically, would like J.A.W.S. I also wondered if your images could have been worked in a little better to your letter, but they still fit well and assisted your persuasiveness.

    Great Job overall, I especially like your images!

  3. I heard... that you were writing to a high school friend and trying to convince them to move to J.A.W.S. I learned that J.A.W.S. is a society that values both the advancement, utilization, and moderation of technology and technology use. I also heard that this society highly encourages human interaction and connection.

    I noticed... that your images were very eye catching, although I wish they had been integrated into the letter more, as opposed to simply listed in the beginning. I also liked how you called technology "the silent killer of socialization", I thought it was very clever.

    I wondered... why the letter to an old friend sounded so formal. I wished that it seemed more friendly and familiar. I also wondered more about the governing body of J.A.W.S.

    Great job!

  4. I heard that you haven't written to your friend Sam in a while because you have been busy helping to form the J.A.W.S society. I also heard that this society was built on the idea of straying away from the evils of digital technology.

    I noticed that you used a lot of strong vocabulary words to add depth to your piece. This makes you look like you are very qualified to be writing this letter.

    I wondered why this letter appeared to be written so formally. It seems to me like a friend you haven't talked to in a while would have some inside jokes or references.

    Overall, awesome job!
