The J.A.W.S society

JAWS stands for the Journeying and Writing Society. The ruling body of JAWS is a dictatorship, run by the friendly dictator, Jordan Wagner. We value control highly in this society. In the year 2010, we broke away from the United States and journeyed into the Pacific ocean, whereupon we found an island to start anew. Our society breaks away from the hardships of regular technology, including cyber bullying, over-dependence on cell phones and Iphones, and unhealthy lifestyles due to too much time spent inside on game systems. We monitor everyone's lifestyles on the island to make sure they are healthy and happy with their technology uses. Kathryn Palmer, the head of history division, is in charge of watching the history of all activity on our internet servers and making sure there are no mishappenings. Tara Schnepp, our athletic director, sets the regular amount of time for kids and teens to get outside and play every day. Katy Williamson, the head of entertainment, makes sure all videos, games and anything else related to entertainment is clean. There has never been a suicide or murder in the JAWS society.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Post #2: Birthday Party!

What a tiring day! I spent this glorious Saturday out and about town, running errands and enjoying our beautiful community. I awoke early and went to the gym, where the advanced scale and body mass index measurer created a personalized two hour routine including cardio, agility training, and muscle toning. I felt so invigorated when I left the gym and headed over to the local music store. I needed to pick up some CDs for my younger sister’s birthday party because she said she wanted some of the latest music by her favorite boy band for people to dance to. In fact, she said she really only wanted one of their songs, but since purchasing any media online is disabled in the J.A.W.S. network, I had to run to the store beforehand. I didn’t mind however because I got to enjoy the lovely weather on the walk over.

On the way to the store, I received a call from my mother and rushed over to one of the designated call zones to answer before being reprimanded for rudely speaking on the phone in public. She asked if I could pick up a few items at the grocery store as well while I was out, which I did happily.

The party was a wonderful time, with such bright decorations, delicious home-made food, music emanating from the boom box, and dancing. My sister received several wonderful gifts, like a new music player and digital book reader. Everyone had a wonderful time, although at one point a friend of my sister’s retreated from the party to return her boyfriend’s call, which I, as well as everyone else, found to be extremely rude. However, there was no other snag in the rest of the evening, and a good time was had by all. J

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