The J.A.W.S society

JAWS stands for the Journeying and Writing Society. The ruling body of JAWS is a dictatorship, run by the friendly dictator, Jordan Wagner. We value control highly in this society. In the year 2010, we broke away from the United States and journeyed into the Pacific ocean, whereupon we found an island to start anew. Our society breaks away from the hardships of regular technology, including cyber bullying, over-dependence on cell phones and Iphones, and unhealthy lifestyles due to too much time spent inside on game systems. We monitor everyone's lifestyles on the island to make sure they are healthy and happy with their technology uses. Kathryn Palmer, the head of history division, is in charge of watching the history of all activity on our internet servers and making sure there are no mishappenings. Tara Schnepp, our athletic director, sets the regular amount of time for kids and teens to get outside and play every day. Katy Williamson, the head of entertainment, makes sure all videos, games and anything else related to entertainment is clean. There has never been a suicide or murder in the JAWS society.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

LIst of Policies and Rules

Rule #1.Digital Commerce-Members of the J.A.W.S. community are allowed to purchase only things online which are not available in the local stores. We encourage our members to get out of the house and browse shelves and racks as opposed to web pages for the things they need. This includes clothing, foods, music, movies, and other various supplies.

Rule #2. Digital Communication- We allow the use of communication devices such as telephones, computers, and cellular telephones, but they may only be used in private and designated public areas. We also have email and instant messaging, but no networking sites. We prefer that our citizens do not sit in front of computers for too long a period of time or text while walking or driving about the community as his is both rude and dangerous.

Rule #3: Digital Access: Electronic equipment can be accessed for no longer than three hours at a time, with no exceptions. Perhaps the strictest rule in the society; all citizens must agree to forego electronic use after three consecutive hours has elapsed in order to ensure equal access among citizens and encourage citizens to maintain a more active lifestyle.

Rule #4: Digital Literacy: All citizens must take digital a literacy workshop, and pass the exam, before being issued their laptop. This rule is very important, so that our citizens know how just what they are doing when it comes to technology and the web. We want the people of J.A.W.S. to be well informed of their digital surroundings and get the most out of the technology they have been provided with.

Rule#5: Digital Etiquette: All citizens must also take a course on digital etiquette, and pass the exam, before being issued a laptop. If rules of etiquette are violated, laptop and entertainment privileges will be temporarily revoked. J.A.W.S. takes etiquette and manners very seriously and we do not want to see anyone's feelings hurt, so good manners on the internet and other digital devices are very important. Cyber bullying is absolutely not tolerated here, and we strive to ingrain the idea, "if you wouldn't say it someone's face, then you shouldn't say it online", in everyone's mind.

Rule #6 Digital Law: There are no exceptions in regards to viewing restricted websites. Anyone caught viewing a restricted website will be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

Rule #7. Digital Rights and Responsibilities-We expect our citizens to use their technology responsibly, in other words, not to depend too much on it and not to put it before fellow citizens. All members of our society have access to technology but are only allowed to use it for a certain amount of time and in designated areas, so that it does not begin to rule their lives.

Rule #8: All children and adult citizens must complete some form of both physical and mental activity for two hours each day. In order to prevent sedentary lifestyles and full dependence on technology, each society member must exercise daily as well as challenge their mind (through reading and puzzles) for one hours, a total of two hours.

Rule #9: Digital Security: Members of council will do periodic checks of the internet feed to make sure no hackers or viruses have breached our security system.

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