The J.A.W.S society

JAWS stands for the Journeying and Writing Society. The ruling body of JAWS is a dictatorship, run by the friendly dictator, Jordan Wagner. We value control highly in this society. In the year 2010, we broke away from the United States and journeyed into the Pacific ocean, whereupon we found an island to start anew. Our society breaks away from the hardships of regular technology, including cyber bullying, over-dependence on cell phones and Iphones, and unhealthy lifestyles due to too much time spent inside on game systems. We monitor everyone's lifestyles on the island to make sure they are healthy and happy with their technology uses. Kathryn Palmer, the head of history division, is in charge of watching the history of all activity on our internet servers and making sure there are no mishappenings. Tara Schnepp, our athletic director, sets the regular amount of time for kids and teens to get outside and play every day. Katy Williamson, the head of entertainment, makes sure all videos, games and anything else related to entertainment is clean. There has never been a suicide or murder in the JAWS society.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Post #1: New Citizens!

My family and I moved to J.A.W.S. last week and it has been a bit of an adjustment. Here we are not allowed to use our cell phones in certain places, like in stores or even walking down the street. The other day I was walking to the grocery store and got a text from my best friend back in the States and received some very nasty looks from my fellow pedestrians when I responded. I suppose I understand though, since as I was texting I became somewhat careless and nearly crossed the street while the light was green! Plus, it is rude. I should be meeting new people, not texting!

I’m excited to start school, as I’ve been told that students at the J.A.W.S. high school take more classes surrounding technology than back home. I’d very much like to learn more about different programs, like Photoshop, InDesign, and computers and other various technologies in general. Unfortunately, back home education regarding technology is not as in depth or even available. The curriculum includes only the basics.

I explored a bit the other day and found that J.A.W.S. has many parks and preserves where you can go hiking or canoeing. That will certainly be a welcome change from the concrete jungle we lived in before moving here. Also there is a huge gym with every exercise and work out resource you can think of! Working out more will definitely be a good change for our family. Overall I think we will be very happy here.

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